Jahr: 2021
Crimean Tatar activist Emil Ziyadinov is a political prisoner
Memorial Human Rights Centre, in accordance with international guidelines, considers Emil Ziyadinov a political prisoner. We believe he is being prosecuted for the non-violent exercise of freedom of religion and the right of association.
WeiterlesenAn artist from Khabarovsk charged with justifying terrorism is a political prisoner
Memorial Human Rights Centre, in accordance with international guidelines, considers Maksim Smolnikov a political prisoner. We believe he is being prosecuted for exercising his rights to freedom of speech, thought and expression. So far as we know,
WeiterlesenGeorgy Guyev, sentenced to six years in a penal colony on charges of financing terrorism, is a political prisoner
Memorial Human Rights Centre, in accordance with international criteria, considers Georgy Guyev a political prisoner. We believe he has been deprived of liberty for the non-violent
WeiterlesenAmnesty International: Belarus 2020
Das Jahr 2020 war in Belarus von nicht nachlassenden friedlichen Protesten geprägt. Die Präsidentschaftswahl im August war Auslöser für die eklatanteste Unterdrückung der Meinungs-, Versammlungs-
WeiterlesenAndrei Pivovarov, former director of Open Russia, is a political prisoner
Memorial Human Rights Centre, in accordance with international guidelines, considers the former executive director of Open Russia, Andrei Pivovarov, a political prisoner. We believe he is
WeiterlesenVadim Bektemirov, a religious leader from Simferopol accused of involvement in the banned Hizb ut-Tahrir, is a political prisoner
Memorial Human Rights Centre, in accordance with international guidelines, considers Vadim Bektemirov, a Crimean Tatar, a political prisoner. We believe he is being prosecuted for the
WeiterlesenIsmet Ibragimov, a Crimean resident accused of involvement in the banned Islamic organisation Hizb ut-Tahrir, is a political prisoner
Memorial Human Rights Centre, in accordance with international guidelines, considers Ismet Ibragimov a political prisoner. We believe he is being prosecuted for the non-violent exercise of freedom
WeiterlesenUN-Menschenrechtschefin: Lage in Belarus und Russland wird schlechter
In Ländern wie Belarus und Russland werden die Menschenrechte nach Einschätzung von UN-Hochkommissarin Michelle Bachelet immer stärker eingeschränkt. Die Regierung in Minsk habe entschieden, dass
WeiterlesenOn the designation of civil society associations linked to Aleksei Navalny as extremist. Statement
Late on the evening of 9 June Judge Vyacheslav Polyga sitting in Moscow City Court designated three civil society associations linked to political prisoner Aleksei
WeiterlesenZivilgesellschaft und Menschenrechte in den Fokus rücken
Wir Grüne im Bundestag wollen die Politik gegenüber Russland konsequent an der Stärkung von Menschenrechten, Demokratie und friedlichem Zusammenleben in Europa ausrichten. Wir fordern mehr