Sergei Mikhailov, publisher of the Altai newspaper Listok, is a political prisoner

The ‘Political Prisoners. Memorial’ project, in line with international standards, considers the journalist Sergei Mikhailov a political prisoner. Mikhailov has been imprisoned for publishing information about war


Viсtoria Petrova, a resident of St. Petersburg remanded in custody for anti-war posts on the VK social media site, is a political prisoner

The human rights project ‘Political Prisoners. Memorial’, based on international standards, considers Viсtoria Petrova a political prisoner. Her prosecution is in violation of the right to freedom


Ochirov and Shumekov, two opponents of the war against Ukraine accused of spreading ‘fake news’ about the Russian army, are political prisoners

The ‘Political Prisoners. Memorial’ project, in accordance with international standards, considers Altan Ochirov from Elista and Bulat Shumekov from Kiselyovsk political prisoners. Boris Romanov from St. Petersburg


Vladislav Nikitenko, a lawyer from Blagoveshchensk who filed complaints against Putin for unleashing war against Ukraine, is a political prisoner

The ‘Political Prisoners. Memorial’ project, on the basis of international standards,  considers Vladislav Nikitenko, a human rights activist from Blagoveshchensk, a political prisoner. Nikitenko is being prosecuted


Menschenrechte in Russland: Nachrichtenübersicht für den 1. bis 7. August

August Gegen den in Shuya lebenden Sergej Wesselov wurde ein Strafverfahren wegen Verunglimpfung der Streitkräfte durch die Veröffentlichung von Antikriegsvideos eingeleitet. Seit Beginn der Feindseligkeiten


Menschenrechte in Russland: Monitoringergebnisse vom 25.07 – 31.07.2022

25. Juli Die Novosibirsker Abgeordnete Helga Pirogova verließ Russland in Richtung Georgien, nachdem sie wegen der Verbreitung von „Fälschungen“ über die Armee strafrechtlich verfolgt worden


Alberto Giraldo, a Colombian citizen accused of spreading ‘fake news’ about the Russian army, is a political prisoner

The Human Rights Project ‘Support for Political Prisoners. Memorial’, based on international criteria, considers Colombian citizen Alberto Enrique Giraldo Saray a political prisoner. A criminal case was


Three residents of Crimea, accused of involvement in Hizb ut-Tahrir, are political prisoners

The Human Rights Project ‘Support for Political Prisoners. Memorial,’ in accordance with international criteria, considers the Crimean Muslims Aleksandr Sizikov, Alim Sufyanov and Seiran Khairedinov political prisoners.


Olga Smirnova, a member of the Peaceful Resistance movement, is a political prisoner

The Human Rights Project ‘Support for Political Prisoners. Memorial,’ in accordance with international criteria, considers the St. Petersburg activist Olga Smirnova a political prisoner. She is being


Kirov activist who spoke out against the war is a political prisoner

The Human Rights Project ‘Support for Political Prisoners. Memorial,’ in accordance with international criteria, considers Richard Rouz [also transliterated in some sources as ‘Rose’], who is an
